Clogged Drains Are No Match for Our Effective Sewer and Drain Cleaning Services in Oro Valley, AZ

Got a clogged drain that you can’t fix? Call Oro Valley Plumber and Drain Pros! No one beats our sewer and drain cleaning services in Oro Valley.

Drain problems can get frustrating. Whether it’s a clogged toilet or backed up sink, dealing with a drain clog isn’t the high point of anyone’s day. The good news is that most clogs are minor and plunging the drain usually solves the problem.

But what happens when plunging doesn’t do the trick? Or, what about those times when clog keeps coming back? These are situations that require the expertise of a drain cleaning professional in Oro Valley, AZ.

Why Does My Kitchen Sink Keep Backing Up?

The kitchen sink is used several times a day and sometimes the wrong substances make their way into the pipes. Substances like grease, large bits of food, and even soap can buildup in the pipes and eventually cause a clog. If your kitchen sink keeps backing up, professional drain cleaning can clear out the debris quickly and stop future clogs.

Why Does My Bathroom Sink Gurgle When I Flush the Toilet?

Weird, right? Well, there’s actually a very good explanation for why this is happening. In most cases, the issues is a blockage somewhere in the sewer line. Before you panic and assume you need expensive sewer repair, call us. Many times these problems can be resolved with simple sewer line cleaning using our hydro-jetting service.

Hydro-jetting uses pressurized water to clean the inside of sewer pipes. It’s a powerful drain cleaning method that can scour away years of buildup. It’s also incredibly kind to your pipes and even works well in older sewer pipes that have started to show signs of aging.

Yes, You Need Yearly Drain Cleaning Services

Most people never have their sewer and drain pipes cleaned until they start to experience backups. Clogged drains don’t have to happen to you. Not when you schedule annual drain cleaning services. Committing to an annual cleaning schedule means you won’t ever have massive blockages. You still want to be careful about not using too much toilet paper and keeping curious kiddos from flushing toys, but regular drain cleaning prevents the big problems.

Need Emergency Drain Cleaning in Oro Valley, AZ?

Our team is available 24 hours a day to help you out of this messy situation. Whether it’s a small issue or you have raw sewage backing up into your home,  we dispatch plumbers morning, noon, and overnight. Call us now!